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support us

Supporting and developing our Christian community and beautiful church is a labour of love and faith for our many volunteers.

We receive no funding from Government or the Church of England and so we rely on donations from our congregation and community to support our activities. 

It costs well over £1,000 per week to run the church and pay for our clergy and staff.

Please support us with a regular or one-off donation. This can be done in church or through a bank standing order. The church bank account sort code is 30-97-17 and account number is 01089602. 

If you pay tax, please use this Gift Aid declaration form as this increases your gift by 25%.

If you are considering making or amending your Will, please do think about us. Thank you.


You can also support us at any time when you shop online via EasyFundraising. Just sign up, search for St Peter's as your chosen charity and then access your normal online shopping through their website. Purchases won't cost you any extra than going direct to the retailers' website but

EasyFundraising gets a small commission which is then sent to us!


Our churches need contributions from a wide range of people and we’re lucky to have a congregation and parish full of talents, experience and enthusiasm.

Would you like to help?

We’re always in need of volunteers to help with both regular and occasional jobs. Could you spare an hour or two even occasionally to share your skills with us? 

Not only will we benefit from your expertise; you’ll get to know more people locally and become further involved in the local community.

To volunteer, please speak to Rev'd Pat or one of the Church Wardens.

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