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Dunchurch Junior School in Church

Easter 2022

Dunchurch Infant School in Church

Easter 2022

Children and Communion: at St Peter's, the Parish Council has agreed that baptised children may receive communion after due preparation. Please email

Get involved: if you would like to find out about volunteering with our activities for children, please get in touch.

The Safeguarding Officer for the parish is Margaret Littlejohn. You can contact Margaret on tel: 

01788 522 462.

All are warmly welcomed at St Peter's Church and we look forward to seeing you soon!

Dunchurch Infant School in Church

Easter 2022

For All the family

Children of all ages are welcome at all services.

Soft toy bags are available in church to occupy younger children and a baby corner can also be set out. Refreshments are served after the service, which will end by 11.45am.


Junior Church

There is a monthly Junior church for primary school age children on the fourth Sunday of each month during the Sunday morning communion service.  If you would like to be involved in preparing for it or helping at it please contact Hilary at or on 07515 476939.



Thanksgiving for the birth of a child and their subsequent baptism is usually held on a Sunday afternoon or during Morning Worship. Enquiries should be addressed to the Rev'd Patricia Townshend on 01788 461 987.


Local schools 

St. Peter's church actively supports our local schools, not only through prayer but also by providing governors and volunteers. Assemblies are taken regularly, and school groups visit St. Peter's to learn about the church or to hold carol services.


The Dunchurch & Thurlaston Educational Foundation

Registered charity number: 528738

The Foundation was set up in 1967. It can make grants for educational or training purposes to young persons who have not attained the age of 25 years and who reside, or whose parents reside, in the parishes of Dunchurch and Thurlaston and who in the opinion of the Governors are in need of financial assistance. 


It can also make grants to voluntary organisations which provide educational or certain other benefits for such young persons. In addition the Foundation can help the Dunchurch Infant and Junior Schools with benefits which would not normally be provided by the Local Educational Authority.


The income of the Foundation is fairly modest about £2,500. To be considered for a grant please contact the Clerk to the Governors, Fiona Fitzsimmons tel: 07767 142770

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